Shepherd Penis Envy Magic Mushroom



Buy Shepherd Penis Envy Magic Mushroom Online



Buy Shepherd Penis Envy Magic Mushroom Online. Myco Shepherd, an amateur mycologist, isolated Buy Shepherds Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Sheps Cut Penis Envy) as a new variation of the famous Penis Envy strain. We make an educated conclusion that Myco Shepherd is based in Kootenays, British Columbia, based on the few facts available about him and his location. On the Internet, we discovered traces of his or her existence. Buy Shepherd Penis Envy Magic Mushroom Online

The Sheps Cut Penis Envy mushroom is distinguished by its rapid colonization and attractive mycelium. Similar to the regular Penis Envy strain, it features a thick, colorless stem and a rounded, often closed cap. If you look behind the top of a Shepherd’s Cut mushroom, you will see incredible mycelial patterns. This Penis Envy strain isolate seems to develop more quickly while preserving its typical traits.

Expect potency comparable to that of the original Penis Envy strain.

After 10 to 30 minutes of ingesting Shepherds Cut Penis Envy Strain fungi, your mood will become euphoric and energizing. Depending on dose you may experience moderate to strong visual improvements. Things may seem to be breathing, the surrounding environment will feel more alive, and you may find yourself introspecting. Music and art will seem and feel differently, and you will have a greater appreciation for them and may connect to them on a more personal level. The usual museum dosage (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should give 3-6 hours of trip duration.


Myco Shepherd, an amateur mycologist, isolated Shepherds Cut Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Sheps Cut Penis Envy) as a new variation of the popular Penis Envy strain. We make an educated conclusion that Myco Shepherd is based in Kootenays, British Columbia, based on the few facts available about him and his location. On the Internet, we discovered traces of his or her existence.

The Sheps Cut Penis Envy mushroom is distinguished by its rapid colonization and attractive mycelium. Similar to the regular Penis Envy strain, it features a thick, colorless stem and a rounded, often closed cap. If you look behind the top of a Shepherd’s Cut mushroom, you will see incredible mycelial patterns. This Penis Envy strain isolate seems to develop more quickly while preserving its typical traits.