Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules (120 count)


Buy Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules Online, Lion’s mane mushroom is a gourmet edible mushroom that continues to gain notoriety among foodies and healthy food consumers alike. Although its popularity has grown with the specialty mushroom market, the lion’s mane mushroom is still not widely available.


Buy Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules Online



Buy Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules Online. Lion’s mane, hericium erinaceus, is unique among mushrooms. It looks different from many other mushrooms as it does not have the standard cap and stem many associated with mushrooms. For those who haven’t seen it in person, lion’s mane looks like clumps or globes while growing. Young lion’s mane may have a pinkish hue, and will turn completely white as it matures. The mushroom is referred to as being “toothed” because it has soft, shaggy spines protruding from the fruiting body while it grows. Once it reaches maturity the spines will cascade down to the body of the mushroom.

Reasons why people like to use lion’s mane mushroom capsules

Lion’s mane mushroom is a gourmet edible mushroom that continues to gain notoriety among foodies and healthy food consumers alike. Although its popularity has grown with the specialty mushroom market, the lion’s mane mushroom is still not widely available. Buy Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules Online. You may be able to find it at local farmers’ markets or health food stores, but it is not a guarantee. The same goes for finding it while foraging in the woods. We provide a lion’s mane grow kit and spawn options so these delicious mushrooms can be experienced by anyone who is unable to purchase or find them easily.

Many people are touting the use of mushrooms for nutrition and healthful benefits. Lion’s mane is one of these mushrooms that people are particularly interested in. Much of that interest comes because there have been studies conducted on this mushroom to give even more weight and credibility.

Understanding why people use lion’s mane mushroom capsules

Buy Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules Online. Lion’s mane has been studied by scientists to understand the constituents better. It is these compounds that can be healthful to people who consume lion’s mane mushrooms.

Lion’s mane mushroom is an important mushroom that is currently being studied for its effects on neural health and various cognitive problems like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Lion’s mane mushrooms contain bio-active compounds like beta-glucan polysaccharides, erinacines, hericenones, sterols, and other nutrients.

Beta-glucans are water-soluble compounds that can help in supporting the immune system. Beta-glucan polysaccharides are a big reason why people consume functional mushrooms in general. Buy Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules Online.

Here’s a look at some additional studies on lion’s mane mushrooms:

A study from 2019 called “Improvement of cognitive functions by oral intake of Hericium erinaceus”. The results of this study showed that lion’s mane had the ability to support cognitive function*. It also helped to support short-term memory as well*.

Buy Clarity Lion’s Mane Mushroom Capsules Online. Furthermore, a different study entitled “Nerve growth factor-inducing activity of Hericium erinaceus in 1321N1 human astrocytoma cells” also looked at lion’s mane and nerves. This led to findings that involved support in stimulating the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)*.