Magic Truffles Mexicana



Magic Truffles Mexicana | Natural psilocybin Truffles



Magic Truffles Mexicana. Mexican magic truffles are a great scource of  natural psilocybin and one of the oldes truffle strains. Psilocybe mexicana A is the most famous fungus that grows both mushrooms and sclerotia, many magic trufles sprout from this strain.

In a small dose (5-10 grams) Psilocybe Mexicana truffles induce a funny and happy trip. When taken in a larger dose (15 grams) the trip will be very funny, sociable and visual trip.

Ideal for microdosing!

Psilocybe mexicana A is the mushroom species that Dr. Albert Hofmann made world famous in 1958 when he was the first to isolate two chemicals from this fungus. These chemicals are now known as psilocin and psilocybin. P. mexicana A is known to produce sclerotia in a high quantity in the optimal circumstances.

The mushrooms of the Psilocybe mexicanae have been used for thousands of years by the natives of central America and there is some evidence the these are the “Teonanácatl” that they have discribed in their traditions. Teonanácatl has been translated to “Flesh of the Gods”, a name familiar to most psychonauts.


15 grams of Magic Truffles. In vacuum sealed packaging.

Storing and preserving Magic Truffles

Always store Magic Truffles in the fridge (2-4 °C) in closed (vacuum sealed) packaging. If stored in this way, you can keep the Truffles until the best before date. After breaking the vacuum seal, the Truffles can be preserved for up to 2 days without losing their potency.

Effects of Magic Truffles

The active compounds in Magic Truffles are psilocin and psilocybin. Both compounds are easily absorbed in the human body and are responsible for the psychoactive effects of Magic Truffles.


The first effects of Magic Truffles can be felt after 30 minutes (or sometimes even after 10 minutes) after consumption. These effects can include (but are not limited to) sweaty palms, sighing, cold shivers, a feeling of unrest and nausea. As the effects intensify, the trip moves towards euphoria and happiness, but feelings of anxiety can occur as well. Visions, hallucinations and deep connections to fellow psychonauts are possible effects.

After an hour, the effects of Magic Truffles usually stop intensifying and become more stable. They generally last for about 3 to 5 hours, depending on the consumed amount. After this time, it takes about 1 to 2 hours for the effects to fade. This fading often occurs in waves, which may suggest the trip is ending, before the effects surge back again. For this reason, plan your trip well and make sure you have no other business to attend to on the day you will trip on Truffles.